My Journey to Affordable Living: Finding Stability

I don’t know about you, but with every day that passes, I sometimes wonder how I will ever afford the type of life that I envisioned for myself. I am 36 years old, just got married this past fall, have my first child on the way, and I am in the process of buying my first home…I’ll be totally honest…I am scared sh*tless. How the heck does anyone afford this stuff these days?!

When I was growing up I thought that if I found a job that would pay me $50K a year, that meant I would live a stable life. Here I am now, earning $75K per year with my 9-5, and after rent, bills, gas and groceries, I find myself counting down the seconds until my next paycheck arrives. Where does it all go?!

Maybe it is because I am expecting my first child, or maybe it is because I am just at the age where I want more stability and freedom to do what I want with my life. Either way, I finally got tired of sitting around and stressing out about it and decided to take action to make a change.

This meant a few things for me. First of all, I took the time to create a REAL, DO-ABLE budget. It took a little bit of effort to do, but wow was it eye-opening. Once I had all my expenses laid out, I was able to see exactly where my money was going and where I could save. This was HUGE. Next, I started prioritizing how I spend my time. I spent less time on Social Media, looking at all the people out there waving their extravagant lifestyles in my face. I started to focus my free time on reading more, getting outside, and writing. Hence, this blog.

I don’t think I am any different from any of you. We all just want to be able to live the lives we want without feeling stressed on a daily basis. I started this blog to share my experience in the hopes that I can help motivate others to take the steps needed to get out of the rut and start living life.

Thank you for being here and I’m excited we are in this together.

XO, Becca